Monday, September 26, 2011

Election Forecast is Real

I say that this election forecast is real.  Because I know who the man is that will be
elected president in 2011.   I know because I have communications with  God.  I asked
Him sometime ago and He told me.
This information is valued at  $100,000 in my estimation.  I have a price on it at $10,000
that is the selling price.
For the next few days until October 11 this information can be purchased for Only $250
Cash,  I need money to pay living expenses and have other important expenses to pay.
I have several needs that I have to have money for so that I can buy.

Beginning October 11 the price will be then at $500 per purchaser.  This price, $500, will be until October 21st.  That is 10 days at $500 for the information price.
Then until November 20, the price will be set at $1000.
Please remember that the purchase price must be paid in CASH.

Contact me for information if I can help you or if you want to purchase the valuable, wonderful information I have available.
Let us say,  that 'My Store is Now Open".

Mail to:
Donald Sander,  Christian businessman
2810 Concord Lane
Woodward, Oklahoma 73801-USA

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